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Electric water taxi sea trial

In this sea trial video, we will take you onboard an innovative electric water taxi, designed to revolutionize urban water transportation with a sustainable and silent solution. The video documents the tests at sea, aimed at evaluating the performance, energy efficiency, and maneuverability of the vessel. Join us to discover how the future of maritime transport is evolving towards eco-friendly solutions.

2 thoughts on “Electric water taxi sea trial”

  1. Fascinating article about the electric water taxi trial! It’s amazing to see advances in eco-friendly transportation like this. How did the taxi perform in terms of energy efficiency compared to traditional water taxis? Hoping to read more detailed analysis soon. If anyone’s curious about the costs of such transport in different countries, you could, maybe, check Not sure how accurate the data is, though. Great post!

    1. The shipyard has done remarkable engineering work, and the boat has an autonomy of 8 hours in absolutely calm waters. However, in Venice, the wave action is always significant, making it challenging for this type of vessel to become widespread in the lagoon. Currently, it is primarily marketed for quieter water bodies where navigation conditions are more favorable. It’s fascinating to see how these innovations may evolve over time!

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